The website was created by: Stéphane Monfort ( -

Pictures :
©Pedro Lousteau -

Pictures :
©Garnier Studios


The website is published by Sucre d'Or - 19, avenue des Ibis - 44500 La Baule-Escoublac (France), S.A.R.L with a capital of 10.000 €, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Saint-Nazaire, under the number B 789 275 476

Director of publication : Sophie Monfort

The website is hosted by OVH - 2, rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix


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In accordance with article 27 of the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, we inform you that: Only our company is the recipient of the answers to the questionnaire on this site. You have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you by writing to : Sucre d'Or - 19, avenue des Ibis - 44500 La Baule-Escoublac (France)